« BackFOSDEM 2025fosdem.orgSubmitted by edward 2 days ago
  • domano a day ago

    I wish they would limit the number of attendees somehow or have some way to manage overcrowding. In 7 attendances i and most people in my group got a cold or the flu (this was before covid) - 7 years in a row.

    • Fosiokdrkd a day ago


      Realistic speaking the dev rooms are small already and the auditorium is often full.

      Either reduce the number significant which would be shitty or ?

      Personaly speaking: try to wear a mask and avoid all small rooms. The recordings are good.

      • zoobab 20 hours ago


      • soapdog a day ago

        Maybe masks when watching a session might be a good idea.

      • aap_ 20 hours ago

        Why even advertise with "beer" when the link just takes you to a page saying there will be no beer?

        • qwaxys 19 hours ago

          There's still plenty of different beers available at the bar in FOSDEM itself.

          There's no longer an official beer event. Lots of alternative beer events and social popped up on Friday evening.

          On Saturday evening there's quite some community dinners and also a nice party at the hackerspace HSBXL.

          It's probably not online yet but the event is called bytenight.

          • Gys 20 hours ago

            It says ‘ There is no official FOSDEM beer event’. So no official event specifically for beer. I can assure you there will be lots of Belgium beer available.

            • Tepix 19 hours ago

              The point stands. The term "beer" was placed there back when there still was an official event at Delirium. I had no clue there no longer is such an event. Bummer.

              • Gys 19 hours ago

                Pretty sure Delirium and the street will be packed as much as previous years…

                • jen20 14 hours ago

                  Perhaps if there's no official event it will actually be possible to get a beer there!

              • purerandomness 20 hours ago

                That would be a first time since 2001.

                Can you share the link to the page where they say "no beer"?

            • oschvr a day ago

              Nice ! I live very close, will definitely assist!

              If anyone wants to join me, hit me up !

              • undefined a day ago
              • undefined 19 hours ago