• snapplebobapple 3 hours ago

    Thanks for making my heart skip a few beats thinking I was going to have a butt load of mitigation work to do for my cifs shares at the office starting immediately and ruining the last day of my weekend....

    • artie_effim 36 minutes ago

      same - I was like "Oh GAWD, what now...."

      • logifail 3 hours ago

        google.com/search?q=smb+3 agrees - SMB 3 is the network file sharing protocol

      • a2tech 3 hours ago

        This is super Mario bros 3, not server messaging block v3 if you were as confused as me

        • CM30 an hour ago

          I genuinely did not know that the acronym had another use, apologies. Apparently Wikipedia thinks it can refers to Server Messaging Block, Super Mario Bros 3 or Super Mega Baseball 3:


          • Sakos 35 minutes ago

            Really glad to see Super Mega Baseball 3 is getting the recognition it deserves.

        • stelonix 2 hours ago

          Used to hang in the same irc room as the author. The asm hacks were impressive at the time. It's crazy it's been 20 years

          • ok123456 3 hours ago

            Better archive this before Nintendo DMCAs it.

            • lbourdages 2 hours ago

              Mario rom hacks are perfectly legal since the only thing that gets distributed is a patch file - the original ROM has to be provided by the user.

              Sites like SMW Central[1] contain thousands of hacks and Nintendo hasn't done anything about it.

              [1] https://www.smwcentral.net/

              • loeg 2 hours ago

                IP holders (or their representatives) don't always let legality get in the way of issuing DMCA notices for content they don't like.

                • drdaeman 18 minutes ago

                  In a sane world, it should be as easy as sending them a counter-notice and if they decide to escalate, sending a cardboard cutout of yourself to the court with a printed "no copyrighted materials (except for some screenshots, which is fair use for illustrative purposes) exist on the website" sign to win the case.

                  We are not living in the sane world, of course.

                • Dwedit 37 minutes ago

                  The patch file will create 95% of a working ROM when applied to a blank file, but not enough to actually create a working ROM. Some important bytes are missing.

                  Some ROM hack patches WILL create a complete working ROM when applied to a blank file. I don't think those can even be called patches anymore.

                  • wongarsu 6 minutes ago

                    Is there an agreed part everyone leaves out, or can you just apply one patch to another patch to get a complete ROM?

                  • black_puppydog 2 hours ago

                    Then I guess we better archive that entire site before someone new in middle management decides to make a name for themselves by killing it.

                  • CM30 an hour ago

                    Eh, 99.9% of fan projects are left alone. The worries about takedowns are seriously overblown alone, even for the likes of Nintendo properties like Mario, Zelda and Pokemon.

                    There have been projects and sites for those games online for over a decade without any issue, and ones played by hundreds of YouTubers that didn't have anything happen to them.

                  • umvi 3 hours ago

                    Looks great. In the same vein I also enjoyed the rom hack "Super Mario Bros. 3mix". One of the worlds is space themed and features Mario Galaxy style gravity hijinks.


                    • CM30 an hour ago

                      Oh yeah I remember 3Mix. It's got some incredibly interesting mechanics and world themes, and it felt like a huge step forward for the Mario 3 hacking scene.

                      I also interviewed its developer at one point too:


                      (also did the same for the creator of the hack mentioned in this post too)