« BackOpen Source Icon Setsicon-sets.iconify.designSubmitted by klavinski 20 hours ago
  • jszymborski 14 hours ago

    I can't wait for someone to come out with a new and expanded famfamfam or silk icons.

    • TimTheTinker 14 hours ago

      I still love those icons too, and I used them for several apps I built.

      You may not have heard of the Fugue icon set, created around 2010-ish by Yusuke Kamiyamane, which provided 3,750 16x16 icons in the style of famfamfam and the silk icon set.

      More recently, someone upscaled all the Fugue icons to 32x32: https://github.com/chrisjbillington/fugue-2x-icons.

      This png file lets you compare the 16x16 and 32x32 icons side-by-side: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chrisjbillington/fugue-2x-...

      Happy Christmas! :-)

      • jszymborski 13 hours ago

        Fugue is amazing, I always forget about them.

    • undefined 14 hours ago
      • bbor 14 hours ago

        I thought Firefox OS was bad enough on its own -- turns out they drew a whole new emoji set for it, too! Why, god, why. Here's to hoping the guy suing them for discrimination for being knocked out of running for the CEO position at the last minute just gets "all of Mozilla" in damages, and rights the ship...