• Kwpolska 3 days ago

    The existence of a guide to install Python 2 on "Mac OS X" suggests this hasn't been updated in a long time. It was written by Kenneth Reitz (a controversial figure), and it seems to promote pipenv a lot (which is a terrible packaging thing that doesn't really solve any packaging problems).

    • ivancho 3 days ago

      Yeah, you can look in the contributors' dashboard, they stopped around 2019. As any documentation, its fate is to wither and fall into decay. But hey, he got a book out of it.

    • keymasta 3 days ago

      I really appreciate the opinion that using args and kwargs is "bad".. It always annoys me when you get them as your parameters.. even worse when you go to declaration and the declaration also contains unlabeled parameters. A lot of wrapper libraries seem to do this. I try to just name every parameter I can. It's so much easier to use this code now that we are using autocomplete in the IDE.

      • otteromkram 3 days ago

        1. The page opens at the bottom for me each time I load it (on mobile). Is anyone else experiencing that?

        2. I've never used pipenv in ny life. pip is strong enough by itself for most use cases. Just memorize, like, three main commands and your solid.

        • DangitBobby 3 days ago

          1) yes

          2) I prefer a tool that adds dependencies to a list when I install them instead of having to do it manually.