« BackHow to Learn Rust in 2024blog.jetbrains.comSubmitted by bilguudeiblgd 3 days ago
  • Apofis 11 hours ago

    I was expecting there to a be a HyperSkill Rust course announcement in there, but there wasn't. Is anyone aware of a resource like that out there?

    • grepexdev 3 days ago

      Does anyone have some good learning resources for embedded systems, particularly in Rust? I was hoping the article would have elaborated more on that front.

      • daghamm 3 days ago

        I'm interested in this too.

        There are TONS of tutorials that basically are "lets bring in this magical crate for this hardware I happen to have, and this is how you use it to blink a LED".

        I want to know how you do really low level stuff in Rust, like setting the initial stack and interrupt vectors, instead of using a crate someone else wrote.

        • grawp 2 days ago

          https://www.rust-lang.org/learn and there is a whole official book with detail explanation and first principles about what you ask.

          Learn to use obvious "entrypoints" first which are cmdline help, manpages, and official web documentation instead of searching the web first. Those TONS of tutorials about embedded rust are uninformative at best and actively harmful at worst.

          If you plan to use Cortex M based microcontrollers then there is rtic.rs async framework / RTOS. It could teach even 95% C programmers how hopelessly underused/misused NVIC in those core usually are.

          Then if you need drivers with bells and whistles there is another async framework / RTOS called embassy-rs but you can combine those drivers and subsystems with rtic.rs async engine.

          EDIT: Don't imagine async engine on MCU as some costly abstraction. It's zero cost abstraction for embassy-rs when compared to traditional RTOSes and negative cost for rtic.rs since traditional RTOSes does not use dedicated hardware machinery for scheduling which is present in Cortex M cores.

          • dylanowen 2 days ago

            Why not just look at the source of that magical crate?

          • tricked 2 days ago

            would not say learning resources but the esp-idf-hal repo has a bunch of good examples on how to do specific things, it was pretty easy for me to use, although i had some prior rust knowledge https://github.com/esp-rs/esp-idf-hal/tree/master/examples

            • undefined 2 days ago