• breerbgoat a day ago

    Not this again.

    The ASPI methodology is to use algorithms to count journal citations to determine who is "ahead". They don't directly examine the state of the technology. That's not to say that the conclusion, at least broadly speaking, is necessarily wrong, but journal citations don't directly translate into implementable technology.

    It does make for great headlines however, which are free publicity for ASPI and whatever agenda they might be pushing.

    • stonethrowaway a day ago

      Even if ASPI overdid it, I think it’s prudent to look at China’s advancement momentum all the same. The issue is that at their scale anything they put their weight behind has immediate global ramifications, because so many countries have become uncontrollably dependent on China. So the money is definitely there (as opposed to here.)

      • breerbgoat a day ago

        The Chinese government can pay its scientists for papers that might not survive valid peer reviews all they want; up until this year anyways. They are utterly broke, and this won't last past this year.

        • Daishiman 15 hours ago

          This sounds like cope. The sheer volume of practical research that makes its way into Chinese manufacturing is astounding.

    • abstractanimal a day ago

      I guess there is a "that which is seen vs. that which is not seen" (Bastiat) argument to be made, but government investment into engineering research seems to be a pretty good deal.

      I saw a quote the other day I liked: "If the rest of the world wants to emulate the US model, they should do as the United States actually did, not as they say they did".

      - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Entrepreneurial_State

      • ChrisArchitect 20 hours ago


        China Is Rapidly Becoming a Leading Innovator in Advanced Industries


        • toomuchtodo a day ago
          • drunkenmagician a day ago

            Seems very focused on academic metrics which skews the results somewhat I think. But still interesting results.

            • namaria a day ago

              What this report is telling me is there's fierce competition for relevance in STEM field paper publication across a wide range of interests.

              That is very good.

              • dyauspitr a day ago

                Can’t beat the technical progress and efficiency that comes from a benevolent dictatorship. China is going to run away with it over the next decade and it’s going to suck because it will normalize whatever hellish authoritarianism they have going on over there.

                • yarg a day ago

                  Do they?

                  This is about research and papers published - but Chinese academia is amongst the most corrupt in the world, so without the technologies being utilised (or at least peer reviewed by more trustworthy people) this really doesn't mean all that much.

                  Honestly, if the Chinese were that far ahead they wouldn't depend on industrial espionage to the extent that they do.

                  • DiogenesKynikos 20 hours ago

                    Chinese researchers publish in international journals. Peer review is done in exactly the same way it would be done for American scientists.

                    Nature runs an index of how many papers are published in top journals by scientists in each country and institution: https://www.nature.com/nature-index/country-outputs/generate.... Chinese scientists publish more papers in leading international journals than scientists from any other country, including the US (though it's neck and neck at the moment).

                  • hulitu a day ago

                    > Honestly, if the Chinese were that far ahead they wouldn't depend on industrial espionage to the extent that they do.

                    Honestly, if the Gringos were that far ahead they wouldn't depend on industrial espionage to the extent that they do.

                    • derelicta 21 hours ago

                      Westerns unfortunately feel threatened by the rise of socialist Republics because they assume their interests are the same as their elites, so if their elites end up being hurt by China, they will end up being hurt themselves aswell.

                      • yarg 14 hours ago


                        I feel threatened by an ethnosupremacist regime that would murder tens of millions of its own citizens.

                        Crazy huh?

                        • derelicta 4 hours ago

                          Ah yes, socialists are the Nazis now and westerners are freedom-loving sovereignty-respecting anti racists