• dbrueck a day ago

    A lot of happy memories playing this game on a knockoff Apple II+.

    To this day it's still impressive to me that they got 3D wireframe rendering (with hidden line removal!!) working on a 1 Mhz 6502 chip - that thing doesn't even have multiply and divide instructions.

  • Cadwhisker a day ago

    One interesting newly released file contains the sources to the unreleased Elite 2 prototype.

    b8000083.zip [40yr] 657 K Bell BBC Elite 2 sources (disk images)

    • qingcharles 6 hours ago

      Need someone to compile this source and run it; I'm really interested to see it.

    • juunpp 21 hours ago

      That web design is the truly elite thing.

      • HideousKojima a day ago

        What license are these released under? The page doesn't seem to say

        • parlortricks a day ago

          Oh excited to see the NES and unfinished SNES code. This will help my learning.

          • undefined a day ago