« BackTō Reo – A Māori Spellcheckerxn--treo-l3a.nzSubmitted by firstbabylonian 5 hours ago
  • shever73 3 hours ago

    A nice synchronicity here, I was only checking Māori words today because The Guardian's cryptic crossword was set by "Pangakupu" (which means, logically enough, "crossword"). This crossword setter always includes a hidden Māori word or phrase in the puzzle.

    • mydriasis 5 hours ago

      I see you've posted about Maori stuff a couple of times. I want to congratulate you, this is really, really great. Thank you for working to preserve a language and culture! You're presenting resources that are tough to find, and that's an amazing thing.

      • Titan2189 2 hours ago

        https://www.maoridictionary.co.nz/ This is the dictionary I use most often

        • hk__2 2 hours ago

          I get "Sorry, something went wrong. If this error persists, contact us." every time I type something.

          • stephantul 2 hours ago

            This is very nice and important. We need more tools for small languages.

            • scanny 2 hours ago

              Awesome work, love to see the effort on the technical front of bringing a language into broader use!

              • neallindsay an hour ago

                excellent use of a Punycode domain

                • addaon an hour ago

                  Slightly off-topic, but it would be nice if HN interpreted punycode in link descriptions. Especially given that the links go through a redirect, which means that the browser status bar sees them as part of the query and not the domain, so the browser's own interpretation of punycode never gets applied.

                  • lpapez an hour ago

                    You can easily write a Tampermonkey Userscript for that. As HN doesn't update the CSS that often, should be quite low-maintenance solution.