« BackOptimizing Guile Schemedthompson.usSubmitted by avvvv 5 days ago
  • munificent an hour ago

    I have such mixed feelings about dynamically typed languages. I've designed a whole pile of hobby programming languages, and dynamically typed languages are at least an order of magnitude simpler to design and for users to learn and start using.

    At the same time, they inevitably seem to lead to user stories like this where a user really does know exactly what types they're working with and wants the language to know that too (for performance or correctness), and they end up jumping through all sorts of insane hoops to get the optimizer to do exactly what they want.

    • sctb an hour ago

      I like dynamic languages too. But I don't like the idea of "optimization", and I would be super interested in a dynamic language that didn't attempt to divorce performance from correctness. The worst part about jumping through insane hoops to enchant the optimizer is that it can all go wrong with the tiniest change--a flag here, a different usage pattern there, a new version, etc., and suddenly your program doesn't do what you need it to, as though an operation taking 1000x longer is just a matter of degree.

    • throwaway17_17 an hour ago

      Solid blog overall and I think it is pitched at the right level of granularity for the topic. However, if I were offering criticism, the place I think more detail would be super interesting is the 'Please Inline' section. In particular, I would really be interested in a slightly more detailed description of the optimizer's algorithm for inlining. I think the "define_inlinable" macro is a great example of macro usage, but it is clearly a way to circumvent the inliner's apparent short comings. I would like to be able to understand what heuristic the optimizer is using to see if there is a sensible default function construction style/idiom that is more appealing to the optimizer for inlining. However, I am reminded of the inlining discussion in Chandler Carruth's talk (Understanding Compiler Optimization) from a few years ago where he discusses how obscure and seemingly arbitrary, in general, inlining heuristics and their optimization passes are in practice. [1]

      1 - https://youtu.be/FnGCDLhaxKU?si=J3MhvJ-BmX5SG2N6&t=1550

      • pjmlp 2 hours ago

        Great overview on how to approach improving code performance, without going down the usual route of rewriting into something else.

        • atemerev an hour ago

          These sorts of optimizations can and should be handled by a (sufficiently smart (tm)) compiler.

          Common Lisp/SBCL is usually sufficiently smart. I know not everyone likes Common Lisp, but at least I would have tested it with something more performant that Guile, like Chicken Scheme (my favorite!), Chez Scheme, etc.

          I like Guile and its purpose as a universal scripting language. However, its performance issues are well known. Even compared to other scripting-first languages (Lua, Perl, Python etc).

          • throwaway17_17 an hour ago

            I think that is why this blog is particularly interesting to me. As one of the other comments to this posting said, it is nice to see an analysis/detailed description of working to optimize code where the first step is not to rewrite in a language with a presumed better performance baseline. Also, I think there is also some props to be given for continuing to work within Guile's somewhat spartan tooling to do the optimization work, instead of switching to a language that may have more/better tooling for the task.

            Not to take away from the general comparisons between various Lisp flavors and between various scripting languages (an activity I engage in quite often), but your lead off line is more prescriptive than I find advisable. I don't think a blanket statement that optimizations of runtime behavior of code "should" only be done via a compiler. Some devs enjoy the work, others have varied reasons for doing performance sensitive work in a given language/environment. But at the end of day, doing optimization is a valid usage of developer effort and time if that developer judges it so.

            • eru 29 minutes ago

              Isn't Racket the 'default' Scheme? (Even though it's no longer called Scheme.)

              • medo-bear a minute ago


            • orliesaurus 2 hours ago

              As soon as I saw the title, I thought of the streetfighter character, but this was actually an interesting read on a programming language, I had never heard of before

              • abound 2 hours ago

                A prominent use of Guile is as the configuration language for Guix, GNU's version of Nix

                • bitwize an hour ago

                  The slogan I've proposed for the language is "Guile goes with everything." Because Guile was designed from the outset to run embedded or standalone, and to transpile other extension languages to Scheme or a Scheme-compatible representation, I think that fitting. See: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/guiles-theme-goes-with-everyt...