• bittermandel a day ago

    I'm cross-posting this from another community and it's specific for Web Development. Hope it can be useful anyway!

    I really recommend doing the following. I've done this for all three agencies I've built so far (all ~$200k revenue by one person after 1 year) and it has worked each time.

    Sourcing: Find companies where people you know (or one step away) work that have a somewhat neglected website.

    Ranking: Order them by ease of establishing contact and ease of design.

    Lead magnet: Make a free design of their root page. Don't give them a reason to say no.

    Initial reach out: Email them saying something like "Hi, I'm fresh out of X and are starting a web design agency. We know each other through person Y. I couldn't stop myself from starting on a bit of a design that I think you'll love! Here's what I've done so far. I'd love to design your website without charge, as I've recently started. etc."

    If they don't answer, don't give up! It's not uncommon to get an answer after 3-4 emails. Sometimes people are just busy. Just always be friendly with humane communication and never spam!

    After you've established some relationships, assuming you deliver good work, people will be more eager to pay. Especially if those initial relationships end up proliferating to others.

    • cbluth a day ago

      How do you go from zero to paying?

    • ensocode 2 days ago

      I started as a freelance developer/consultant specializing in a specific product, which made it relatively easy to land my first project due to the demand for that technology. I used a freelancer portal. Once on the project, I listened closely to what other needs the customer had and offered additional services. Whether focusing on a particular technology or a specific area within the company, there are always pain points the client needs to resolve. When the workload became too much, I hired other freelancers, though it could also be possible to bring on full-time employees. The process is then rinse and repeat.

      Further at this stage it could be possible to establish a own product if you find pain points which others also could have. Something I try right now. Then you would have a first customer who pays for development.

      • alexander2002 a day ago

        I am in the process of starting my own software dev agency parvaazgroup.com and also would like to know the same questions!

        • brudgers a day ago

          I have done consulting in another field.

          Start with a client. Send an invoice. Cash the check. Then you have started a business. Everything else doesn’t matter (notice I didn’t mention doing any work, making a website, designing business cards, etc).

          Your social and business networks are the key to success. You can hire technical skill. Your job is sales. Good luck.