• opentokix a few seconds ago

    Using ebpf, perf and flamegraphs would let him find this in a couple of hours. That was not available for him in 2015 tho.

    • hinkley an hour ago

      Stuff like this is why back when I still wrote Java we only wanted to turn on JVM telemetry on production boxes if they were canaries. Slower you can work around by deploying more copies. But jitter is not something you can do much about.

      • sltkr 5 hours ago

        > The pauses occur even [..] if you call mlock

        I wonder how this is even possible. The only scenario I can think of involves a page fault on the page table itself (i.e., the page is locked into memory, but a page fault occurs during virtual-to-physical address translation). Does anyone know the real reason?

        • survivedurcode 5 hours ago

          Probably because pages mapped, even if they are locked into memory are not allowed to stay dirty forever. Does this help? https://stackoverflow.com/a/11024388 (In contrast, if you mlocked but never wrote to the pages, you probably would not encounter read pauses)

        • pjmlp 4 hours ago

          For proper statistics use Visual VM or Flight Recorder, if using an OpenJDK derived JVM implementation.

          Also note that not all JVMs are made alike, and there are plenty to chose from.

          • hashmash 4 hours ago

            When using the `-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem` workaround, VisualVM cannot attach to the running process anymore.

          • jakewins 2 hours ago

            Man I remember being bit by this in migrating to AWS - this had like snuck through on fast on-prem disks, but as soon as that /tmp was on RDS oh boy, it was a dozy.

            • ta988 6 hours ago

              Is it still the case?

              • ackfoobar 4 hours ago

                Probably yes.


                Closed with "Won't Fix".

              • lbalazscs 5 hours ago

                In 2015 there was no ZGC. Today ZGC (an optional garbage collector optimized for latency) guarantees that there will be no GC pauses longer than a millisecond.

                • survivedurcode 5 hours ago

                  I would check your answer. These are pauses due to time spent writing to diagnostic outputs. These are not traditional collection pauses. This affects both jstat as well as writes of GC logs. (I.e. GC log writes will block the app just the same way)

                  • pjmlp 4 hours ago

                    Which is why for anything serious one should be using Flight Recorder instead.

                  • esaym an hour ago

                    These modern garbage collectors are not simply free though. I got bored last year and went on a deep dive with GC params for Minecraft. For my needs I ended up with: -XX:+UseParallelGC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=300 -Xmx2G -Xms768M

                    When flying around in spectator mode, you'd see 3 to 4 processes using 100%. Changing to more modern collectors just added more load to the system. ZGC was the worst, with 16+ processes all using 100% cpu. With the ParallelGC, yes you'll get the occasional pause but at least my laptop is not burning hot fire.

                    • plandis 32 minutes ago

                      Yes no GC is free (well perhaps Epsilon comes close :)

                      It’s a low pause GC so latencies, particularly tail latencies, can be more predictable and bounded. The tradeoff you make is that it uses more CPU time and memory in order to operate.

                      • namibj an hour ago

                        You'll need more spare heap for ZGC.

                      • kanzenryu2 an hour ago

                        Sadly in many cases no; it's not magic. This nirvana is restricted to cases where there is CPU bandwidth available (e.g. some cores idle) and plenty of free RAM. When either CPU or RAM are less plentiful... hello pauses my old friend.

                        • sunshowers an hour ago

                          This is why memory-bound services generally use languages without mandatory GC. Tail latency is a killer.

                          Rust's memory management does have some issues in practice (large synchronous drops) but they're relatively minor and easily addressed compared to mandatory GC.

                        • hinkley an hour ago

                          The cost of statistics gathering on a GC implementation that avoids ineffective GC activity is less affected by the cost of telemetry (no news is good news), but it is still affected.

                          • hawk_ 4 hours ago

                            ZGC doesn't remove safepoint requests on threads which is the root cause. "Guarantees" here are with very heavy quotes.

                        • cogman10 5 hours ago

                          > in /tmp

                          Why is `/tmp` on disk and not a tmpfs mount?

                          • sltkr 5 hours ago

                            There is no law that says /tmp must be on tmpfs, and historically this wasn't done, because tmpfs is limited in size to some faction of the kernel's memory, while /tmp may be used to store much larger files.

                            For example, GNU sort can sort arbitrarily large input files, which is implemented by splitting the input into sorted chunks that are written to a temporary directory, /tmp by default. But this is based on the assumption that /tmp can store significantly larger files than fit in memory, otherwise the point is moot. So using tmpfs makes /tmp useless for this type of operation.

                            In the end, it's a trade-off between performance and disk space. I also prefer to mount /tmp on tmpfs for performance reasons, but you should not assume that this is the case on all systems.

                            • aidenn0 3 hours ago

                              While I run /tmp on disk, I should point out that tmpfs is not limited to the size of RAM; contents of tmpfs can be swapped out just like any other memory allocation.

                            • aidenn0 3 hours ago

                              Why would I want it on tmpfs? Only advantage I see is slightly improved boot times (/tmp is typically cleared on boot, which is obviously not necessary for tmpfs).

                              • hinkley an hour ago

                                Slightly simpler handling for docker containers. Particularly if you run multiple copies of the same image on one box (blue-green deploys, process-per-cpu programming languages, etc)

                            • smrtinsert 6 hours ago

                              Is this account a submission bot of some sort?

                              • throwaway04324 5 hours ago

                                The account seems to be connected to a real person, but it has a high number of submissions (over 350 submissions the past 30 days)

                              • geodel 6 hours ago

                                Also spending a lot cause higher credit card bills.