• axegon_ 3 days ago

    My first thought was "I wonder if the C programming language would be on that list" and sure enough... Worth noting that, although the book is 45+ years old, it's aged incredibly well (I know, there have been multiple "patches" applied since the first edition). But considering how books that came out 5 years ago are wildly outdated today, while this one is just as relevant as it was when it first came out is a huge achievement. Major props to Ritchie and Kernighan.

    • infinite8s 3 days ago

      That's because hardware has bent over backwards to maintain the illusion of the C memory model.

  • Something1234 3 days ago

    I think my favorite old computing book is the tannenbaum operating systems text book. It features minix and has some super interesting things about the software license and all that. Minix has some super interesting recent history involving the intel management engine.

    • joebig 3 days ago

      Even a collection pointing to classic AI books: https://www.computinghistory.org.uk/sec/14007/Artificial-Int...

      • mitchbob 2 days ago

        Got books to donate? Looks like they've got an email address for that: collection@computinghistory.org.uk

        • Sad90sNerd 3 days ago

          Even the center for computing history can't spell "Ada" right... :(

          • nocman 3 days ago

            Well, in fairness to them, one of the two books in the list spells it all caps right there on the cover.

            • MrVandemar 2 days ago

              Same is true of the Java books, and yet it's not JAVA.

          • JKCalhoun 3 days ago

            Needs more KIM-1.

            The KIM-1 (and MOS Programming and Hardware) manuals are out there — as is "The First Book of KIM."